Chancellor's Office Information
The California Community Colleges is the largest postsecondary education system in the nation. Established by legislation in 1967, the Chancellor's office is the administrative branch charged with providing leadership, advocacy, and support for the system. The Chancellor's office operates under the direction of the state chancellor who is guided by the Board of Governors. The state chancellor is appointed by the board and board members are appointed by the Governor.
EMP Goals
The Educational Master Plan (EMP) sets the educational course for the campus for the next decade. The purpose is to enumerate the college’s most important priorities and goals and to guide facilities and technology master plans, program development, and allocation of resources.
EMP Goals for Pasadena City College
Student Centered Funding Formula (SCFF)
Adopted in the 2018–19 state budget as a new way to allocate funding to community college districts. The SCFF provides funding that supports access through enrollment-based funding, student equity by targeting funds to districts serving low-income students, and student success by providing districts with additional resources for student’s successful outcomes.
Student Centered Funding Formula Dashboard
California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office MIS Data Mart
The data mart provides information about students, courses, student services, outcomes and faculty and staff. The emphasis of a data mart is to answer the questions of administrators, educators, parents, students, state leaders, and professional organizations.